Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Manito Township
Page 829

R. S. EAKIN, lumber-dealer, Notary Public, collecting agent, Manito; was born Oct. 25, 1827, in Greene Co., III., on farm, and remained there until 10 years old, when he moved, with his father, to Whitehall, where he engaged in merchandising with his father for two years; his father then moved to Montezuma, Ill., and engaged in merchandising for some time, when his father built a stone mill. Mr. Eakin worked for his father until 23, at masonry, carpentering and farming. In 1851, Mr. Eakin went to Fulton Co., and settled at Ellisville and engaged in carpentering and improving a farm. He remained until August; spring of 1852, he began teaming with A. Roper, of Montezuma, and remained until 1853; was engaged part of this time laying track on T. W. & W. R. R. In the fall of 1853, he returned to Fultun Co., settling at Fairview, and was occupied in farming, plastering and stone work, until the spring of 1855, when he learned daguerreotyping. with W. H. Seaving, of Canton, III. In 1855, he returned to Montezuma and engaged in daguerreotpying there, and in Scolt Co., until the fall, and then worked at plastering and bricklaying until Dec. 22. when he was taken sick, and was confined until February; after his recovery, he went to Fulton Co. on business, and, on return worked at stonemasonry until 1856, when he left for Moroy, and engaged, in plastering till the close of season, returning then to his home in Pike Co., where he remained until March, 1857, when he went to Spring Lake, Tazewell Co., and engaged in plastering and improving his farm until spring of 1858, when he was elected Assessor, and appointed collector of taxes for Ezekiel A. Poe; he was also engaged in farming, but was unfortunate, by reason of crops failing, and, in 1859, he came to Manito, Ill., and stopped at O. C. Bartram's during the winter; next changing his home to J. K. Cox's; here he remained, engaged in trading, until 1860, when he worked at Pekin, laying brick with H. Ribbet, until midsummer, when he was again taken sick. In the fall of 1800, Mr. Eakin began boarding with B. F. Nash, and remained there until he enlisted in July, 1861, in Co. C, 2d I. V. C., and remained until Aug. 16, 1862, when he was wounded at the battle of Merriweather's Ferry, Tenn. ; was taken to hospital at Union City, and remained until Oct. 30, when he was discharged by Gen. Grant; he returned home from Cairo, on horseback, and became administrator of his father's estate, who had died in 1861; also settling up his own business, and making his home with Nash until spring, at which time lie found his business such as to demand a settlement, which he made, by paying his creditors 100 cents on the dollar, leaving him only his clothes, books, and some poor notes. Shortly afterward, he purchased his present residence, and rented the same to Dr. J. W. Neal. In April, 1863, he wont to Brown Co., and engaged in canvassing for "Abbott's History" until June, when he was again taken sick, recovering in time to attend the celebration at Quincy, Ill.; he then went to Morgan Co., and canvassed for " Mitchell's Atlas" until August; not succeeding well, he returned to Manito Aug. 20, and engaged at plastering and bricklaying until 1876, when he went into the lumber business at Manito, which he still continues. Dec. 25, he was married, in schoolhouse in Manito, to Minnie Ziegenbein, born in Germany; they have three children: Lillian, Ernest J. and Daisy B. His wife is in the millinery business, at Manito, and is doing well. Mr. Eakin has held office of Police Magistrate (now in second term), Notary Public at present; has been Trustee of Schools, and President of Board of Trustees; March 7, 1874, he was appointed School Treasurer, and still holds that office; was Trustee of Manito. and was once candidate for County Clerk, but was defeated; is insurance agent for the Hartford Insurance Co.; is a charter member of Manito Lodge, No. 476, A., F. & A. M , and now holds the office of W. M. in same.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer